Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poetic Language Essay

There is no denying that when an author writes a text there is more meaning in it than just the obvious plot, authors constantly litter their texts with themes, double entendre, metaphor etc. all of which can be easily missed by the reader. If one reader was to miss many of these techniques but another was to pickup on most, then surely the latter would have understood the work better, and in the way it was intended, and therefore their interpretation is the more valid of the two. However we could argue that the text was written badly, because certain readers cannot understand it in the way it was intended. All this is just a small part of one of the biggest debates in modern literature and criticism, and that is whether or not it is necessary to know the history and context behind a book to fully understand it. It used to be that a critic would say that the best way to understand a work is to understand each individual author, and the circumstances behind their text, today however the general feeling is that it is best not to cloud the readers judgement with all the facts behind a text. Critics would today say that the best way to read a text is to ignore everything that goes with it and just concentrate on what you, the reader, picks up from it. The reason this debate is so important in relation to this essay is that the amount of information the reader is given about a text will always affect, not only their understanding of it, but also the way in which they understand it. That is to say that if a reader is given a lot of information about a text then it is bound to make them except the book in the way it was intended. If they had not been given that information then it is very likely that they would have interpreted it in a way that was closer and more personal to them (‘interpretation is a function of identity†¦all of us as we read, use literary work to symbolise and finally to replicate ourselves’ – Norman Holland, Introduction to Literature 13). In this example which of the two interpretations is more creditable, should the perfect text be written in such a way as to eliminate any interpretations other than what was intended by the author; or should it be written in a way that leaves the meaning open to debate and therefore have an infinite number of interpretations? Either way once a text has been shown to the public then the author has no control of what the reader will make of it, or how it is interpreted, and so it is left to the reader to make their own judgements and except it in the way that they want to. So is their interpretation incorrect? Obviously there is no way to prove the answer to this question but in this essay I intend to discuss both sides to the argument and draw up a conclusion as to what I think the answer is. The most obvious place to start would be by looking at other people’s interpretations of texts, and some of those interpretations are in films. I realise that film is never the best example to use when discussing literature because the plot and script are very rarely the same as the original. However, in the case of Shakespeare, this is not always true because the text is so well written and so powerful that it would be wrong and completely missing the point of making the film if you were to change it. Also the interpretations in films are usually much more diverse and varied which makes it a good example to look at because if you can find an interpretation which has been recommended to students as one not to use, as valid (‘†¦most candidates appeared to know Macbeth well. Some, however, were handicapped by having seen a film version†¦candidates should remember that it is Shakespeare’s text which is being examined.’ – Holderness, Interpreting Shakespeare 113); then that goes a long way to show that any interpretation is indeed a valid one. In the conclusion of a book called Interpreting Shakespeare on Screen the author sums up how Shakespeare is generally interpreted by the directors: ‘I have considered the ways in which films of Shakespeare’s plays, like literary criticism, produce different views on issues such as violence (by, to a greater extent, pretending it is absent from Shakespeare’s plays); gender (film changes gender roles, producing different Ophilias and Gertrudes†¦); sexuality†¦; race†¦; and finally, nationalism†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Cartmell, Interpreting Shakespeare 109) Cartmell shows us here how every different director has interpreted parts of the same play differently. She makes it clear that she does not agree with everything they have done, however she does recognise them as valid interpretations and has devoted a lot of time and effort to studying these films and producing a book which shows us the different interpretations and techniques used in filming Shakespeare’s plays. I have to agree with Cartmell on the point that to try and say that there is no violence in Shakespeare is ridiculous, all you have to do is look at Macbeth or Hamlet to see that that is wrong. These directors who have chosen to ignore this violence must have interpreted it in a different way, perhaps they saw the violence as justified and so chose to ignore it for that reason. Whatever the reason, is this interpretation as valid as Cartmell’s and mine? I would like to say that it is not but I cannot rule it out without having the other side of the argument put to me, and once an argument has been put forward surely that gives their view some sort of validity. If you have two people who have interpreted a section of prose differently and they can both argue their theory well then who is to say that they are not both valid. On the other hand if you again have two people with different views about a book’s meaning but this time one of them manages to persuade the other that they are wrong and so changes his mind, then would this not mean that the person with the better and stronger argument is the only one with the valid interpretation? After all the dictionary definition of valid is ‘soundly reasoned or having legal force’ and so if someone has an opinion about a text and stands by it but cannot argue the point surely this makes their opinion an invalid one. In An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory reader-response criticism is summed up in three different ways. Firstly it is said that each individual, when reading, will always respond in a personal way. They will take what is written and match it to the situation they are in or have been in, and so can relate to the text better by doing this. This theory would explain why different people come up with different interpretations, it also suggests that each of those interpretations are valid because if you are relating a text to your personal experiences then it has to be a genuine response. Like every theory though there is always another side to the argument and this is where Stanley Fish’s idea that each reader belongs to a ‘community of readers’ comes in. There is still the idea that the reader relates to the text with their personal experience, and I do not think that many people would dispute that idea, but what Fish says is that the personal side to it is much more generalised. It is more to do with your background and your education, someone from England would interpret a book differently than someone from Africa because their backgrounds are completely different. The third explanation that is given is Wolfgang Iser’s view, which is the one I relate to the most. His theory is that the reader’s imagination is what produces the interpretation. If there is a point in the text which is not fully explained then we, the reader, are left to work it out for ourselves, for example in King Lear when Cordillia tells her father that she loves him ‘according’ to her ‘bond’, the reader is left wondering why she did that and not just make something up to rival her sisters’ answers; was it because she is stubborn or perhaps for moral reasons? The answer that the reader comes up with is their imagination filling in the gap. As Iser said the reader ‘is drawn into the events and made to supply what is meant from what is not said’ (Iser 1995, 24). This is particularly relevant when it comes to explaining interpretation because it is ‘what is not said’ in a text that gets the reader thinking, if a detail is mentioned but not explained then it is left to the reader to make up their own conclusions. Northrop Frye shares the same opinion as Iser, he wrote that reading is ‘like a picnic to which the author brings the words and the reader the meaning’ (Frye, Interpretation is a huge part of literature, it is involved in any type of reading that we do and it is completely up to the reader to how that literature is receive. The author, or his input anyway, dies as soon as they let the public see their text which leaves the reader on their own to read between the lines and come up with whatever they like. Having said this it leaves us thinking that if the author leaves the interpretation up to the reader then how can that interpretation be wrong, every author excepts the fact that their book will be taken in a way that wasn’t intended and they will not try to change that because it is all part of literary criticism. An author wouldn’t ever say that someone’s opinion was invalid because valid does not mean it is what was intended it only means that it is justified. One of Iser’s main points whenever he is talking of interpretation is that ‘Every interpretation transposes something into a different register that is not part of the subject matter to be interpreted. Therefore each interpretation is an act of translation, in the course of which something is shifted into what it is not.’ (Iser, What he means is that interpretation might as well mean the same as translation when talking about literature; because the author is not sitting next to the reader and explaining what was actually meant the reader has to do the working out for themselves, which means that they may translate what is written in front of them into ‘what it is not’. The reader is reading things in the text which were not put there deliberately, they are reading not what is said but what has not been said so a large group of people who all read the same text have no chance of all reading the same thing because everybody wi ll have filled in the gaps slightly differently. ‘If the poem has a voice, it is articulated before, and one rearticulates it, reads it with one’s own voice, one has a reading which cannot properly be univocal.’ (John Lye, This is much the same point as Frye was making with his example of a picnic; the author only produces the words and then it is the reader’s job to find meaning to these words. That almost makes it sound as if the reader has the greater task out of the two and it maybe that they do if once they have read a work and come up with their interpretation (or translation) they are then told that it is not a valid reading of that text. I have said that this topic of interpretation is one of the largest in modern literature and it is very closely linked with an equally large topic, deconstruction. The obvious source to turn to on this is The Critic as Host. In Lye’s commentary of this essay he makes a very good summary of what Miller had written: ‘Deconstruction, Miller seems to be concluding, opens us to the power and the complexities of language, thought, tradition, influence, meaning, to the ambiguities and paradoxes which really constitute what we once mistook for a unified field theory of human knowledge, by providing a form, a way of proceeding, which acknowledges the deep mysteries of meaning and which allows us to free ourselves from the tyrannies of univocal reading.’ (Lye, There are two parts to this quote that I want to briefly discuss. Firstly, the fact that deconstruction ‘opens us to the power’ of language, thought and meaning. This cannot be said better in any other way, this is exactly what deconstruction does and it is this that leads the readers on to making their own interpretations of a text. Deconstruction makes us, the reader, think and analyse what has been written and from that draw up our conclusion of what was actually meant. The second part I wanted to look at is the fact that deconstruction allows us ‘to free ourselves from the tyrannies of univocal reading.’ Is ‘univocal reading’ actually a tyranny? Miller and Lye obviously think so, and I would agree, if literature was as straight cut as being able to read a book and draw up exactly the same interpretation ass everyone else there would be no need or point to study it. So how does deconstruction free us from this tyranny? The answer is because it forces the reader to think for themselves, to interpret a text in the way they want it interpreted instead of how the author, or even a teacher tells them to interpret it. Deconstruction forces the reader to be open minded about a text; to try and read something almost original into it. Again this all leads to a different interpretation to what others have read. However, the question of whether thinking for oneself, and the new ideas and interpretations that brings is valid or not is still present. When I picked this question I always thought that the only possible answer was that every interpretation is a valid one, that is the opinion that most people hold. However, after exploring the topic I have found a few doubts. Although they come to expect it, is it really fair to take an authors text that they have probably been working on for a matter of years and completely change the meaning of it? Surely what they write is personal to them, not necessarily as an experience they have had but more that they have devoted so much time to their work to a standard that they see as perfection. They then introduce it to the public and a critic misinterprets it and gives it a bad review because they did not like their own translation of what was written. These doubts I have are not strong enough to change my mind, but they are there and should not be ignored. In closing I do believe that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and literary criticism is exactly that, opinions. There is no way to write a text and ensure that every reader interprets it in the way it was intended. Authors are very interested to learn about different interpretations of their works and I think that it is this acceptance and acknowledgement from them that not proves but should persuade people that any interpretation of any work is a valid one. I will finish with a quote from an interpretation of Miller’s The Critic as Host that sums up what I believe to be the answer to whether all interpretations are valid or not: ‘The root of idea is the word for image. To imagine is to image. All figures are not what they figure. Univocality is impossible. Everything always means something else.'(Lye,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Positive psychology Essay

As a child we are told the future is our oasis But is this really the truth when we look at the basics? When I was young and asked what I wanted to be I of course replied â€Å"just like daddy† Now I wasn’t referring to his business success I was only concerned about the love he expressed So when we are told that the future couldn’t be brighter Why do people only think about becoming an astronaut or fire fighter? What is often forgotten is the truth of the matter There is much more to life, this is just a part of the batter Making the cake is a process that is extensive. What we need to remember is that it doesn’t need to be expensive Why does one’s life have to be determined by their occupation? It has become a norm in society, almost a fixation In order to be happy one has to have a high paying job and big house Luxuries extend as a far as a Maserati or a cottage with a boathouse With this in mind, young students face great pressure and tension School has become an entity beyond comprehension It was in my understanding that we come here to learn But when I look around all I see is heads turned. Heads turned from the reality of the true meaning of life Kids only concerned with grades as if they are being forced with a knife This figurative dagger comes in the hands of universities What happened to opening the door for a girl or showing a little common courtesy? People approach university with a new hopeful attitude We can now receive self fulfillment and gratitude The reality of the situation is long, grueling hours spent with your head buried in a book No one reflects on themselves or even lifts their head to take a look. Many pass these four years with not an aspiration in mind Not even looking ahead, continuing to remain blind Then university is over, time for life to begin With endless possibility, one cannot help but grin Then it hits you, like a strike across the face Money is happiness therefore you join the rat race What is interesting about this race is that there is no winner The winner is still a rat; the only objective is to provide a better dinner What has been lost in the mix is the wisdom and prudence Any successful man would point out that our actions are rather foolish And by successful I am not referring to economic victory I am referring to the people who have shaped our history Not the Donald Trumps, Mark Zuckerberg’s or Warren Buffets These are simply the people enslaved as economic puppets I am referring to the Gandhi’s, Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King’s The people who created change, the liberation they were able to bring I believe that with great people comes great change. This change is not as simple as a stock trade, it is long range Not only is it eternally priceless but it has a rippling effect One great person affects all around them, sometimes unknowingly or indirect When I think of inspiration I think of the president of Uruguay The poorest president in the world challenged what society sees as the way Donating 90% of his salary leaving just $1250 dollars per year to his name It makes one question why we only seek to make large sums of money or achieve great fame Don’t mistake my message for an attempt to say that we are all greedy I simply want you to be aware that life isn’t all that easy Money can solve your surface problems but this solution is temporary. Reflect on your goals and ambitions before you end up in a cemetery I feel that change is possible regardless of your situation It does not depend on your gender, race, religion or sexual orientation Change isn’t easy but we are all more than capable When life pushes you to the curb, you are hurt but unbreakable In a world that seams hopeless it is important to remember life goes on Make sure to look up, stay positive and never get withdrawn. We are all brothers and sisters part of something that is greater Be fearless and hopeful and live up to your nature We are often referred to as the careless generation who lack a work ethic But I would argue that statement is unjustified and rather pathetic We have the means to create change and it is already happening People like the Keilburger’s come across as rather baffling But when looked at in perspective they are simply two people with a dream A dream that arises a common theme. This theme is that we must love and be aware We must create a life for all that is just and fair In saying all this I am not trying to discourage I hope all your child hood dreams come to the surface There’s a world full of hope, possibility and prosperity And my wish to all is a fulfilling life of mental clarity Ultimately what it comes down to is the way we are taught as youth There is nothing more powerful then the honest truth When asked what we would like to be in our future Happiness should come to mind, the only acceptable answer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Original Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Original Marketing Plan - Essay Example It is proposed that the company expand its activities into the Indian sub-continent to take advantage of the 350 million strong affluent middle class that is hungry for high end consumer products, including optical. It must also enhance its range to include sportswear optics as sport is a big rage in that geographical area. The company’s current customer segment comprises mainly of expatriate customers most of whom are of Indian origin. Therefore an Indian celebrity from the sport arena will be most suited to act as its brand ambassador to project its image in the large Indian market. It is proposed to rope in M.S.Dhoni, the flamboyant India Cricket Team Captain as its Brand Ambassador. A marketing plan ensures that the product range of the company is constantly promoted and communicated to the customers who can be persuaded to buy them. Creating awareness and need are the two main objectives of such a plan. Companies continuously face competition and this needs strategies for gaining competitive advantage. Porter M.E., (1966) redefined strategy to be a combination of differently performed activities. While the activities remain the same, the approach taken to perform or enact them is the strategic decision that pays off. This brings about strategic positions that are unique by themselves and set the organization apart from its rivals. The company has grown at the rate of 35% per annum in terms of turnover. Despite competition it should now attempt to cross the 50% mark. For this it needs some radical departures from previous activities. In this marketing plan it is proposed to introduce the concept of having a Brand Ambassador for the company. The company has grown sufficiently in the last decade to be recognized as unique venture with several outlets in different Middle Eastern countries. It is now time to franchise the company’s brand overseas in the International markets, especially in the emerging market of India as it has a huge

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Personal Reflection Paper - Essay Example I was able to change my thinking from having goals of childish nature to a more mature outlook on life. The activity gave me an opportunity to compare my life goals with those of my classmates. This is critical in terms of comparing me with other like-minded and equally intellectual formidable classmates. This comparison showed me that despite my ambitious nature in terms of my life goals, there are others who are more ambitious and aggressive. It was a revelation and a challenge for me to work harder and be more ambitious in order to compete on the same level with my intellectual equals. As the exercise proceeded, I was able to reevaluate my life goals and coalesce them with a more realistic and tangible future. The defining moment for the entire exercise was the peer review section where classmates were tasked with evaluating each other’s life goals. The result of this activity was that my teammates gave me the second highest score in the entire class. It was a defining moment for me in terms of not just my self-esteem but also my general outlook on life. This event truly gave me an opportunity to evaluate and reevaluate my life goals. This activity also helped me to distinguish between the tangible life goals and what is pure fantasy. The score given to me by my classmates was evidence of the progress I am making in terms of fulfillment of my life goals. I honestly feel that I am making huge strides in the right direction, and I have a more confident approach to life and achievement. A bulk of this is fully attributed to the activity presented to us by the professor. My book club facilitation focused on chapter 6 of the book titled, "Becoming a leader" by Benis. The title of the chapter was effectively dubbed leaders perspective and desire. This activity was rather significant because I had never thought of myself as a leader. The activity was a revelation into my potential as a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Urban sustainable development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Urban sustainable development - Research Paper Example Many major cities across the world are undergoing immense struggle in their efforts to accommodate the ever-rising populations and tackle the multi-dimensional challenges of urban development (Haughton, 1994). If the present inclinations continue into the near future, only a few states are likely to reap from the numerous aids of sustainable urban development (Sustainable Development Solution Network, 2013). Thus, there is an urgent need for cities to develop and integrate succinct models of sustainable development so that they can become better placed in confronting the challenges of the new century. The major aim of this paper is to discuss and analyze the concept of sustainable development with special attention to sustainable development in an urban context. The discussion begins with a precise definition of sustainable development before proceeding to an analysis of the incentives that led to the development of the concept of sustainable development over time. Finally, the paper discusses the effect of sustainable development on the planning of maintainable cities in the 21st century. This discussion is made clear by using the case study of Hong Kong city as one of the cities whose developments have been greatly influenced by the concept of sustainable development. Sustainable development can be perceived as a kind of development that addresses the needs of the current population without undue compromise to the capability of the future populations in fulfilling their needs (Rogers, 2008). To a larger extent, sustainable development encapsulates three different aspects of sustainability. These are economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It is important to note that these aspects form the basic premises of sustainable development. There is a consensus that a sustainable development entails an integrated and comprehensive approach to social, economic, and environmental aspects and processes. Several initiatives on sustainable

Economic Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Economic Geography - Essay Example There are various reasons that may trigger voluntary migration. These factors include a high cost of living in an individual’s motherland, harsh and unproductive climatic and environmental conditions, as well as purely for adventure and exploration. Discussion Migration patterns in Blue Earth County (Mankato) in 2010 The most interesting aspect of migration in the Blue Earth County is that; the counties that send immigrants into this county are relatively equal to those that receive the immigrants from the county (Forbes, n.p.). The uniqueness in the migration patterns in Blue Earth County is that all those counties sending more immigrants into Blue Earth County than they receive from the county, are situated within the Minnesota State (Forbes, n.p.). Additionally, all the states outside Minnesota where Blue Earth County’s population migrate are found to take more of its migrants, than they send to this county. Another observable pattern regarding the migration in Blue Earth County is that its population tends to migrate to the States that are close to Minnesota, while avoiding those far away. Therefore, it is evident that most of the population within in Blue Earth County finds it easier to seek for a better life outside Minnesota State, compared to those who move from other States to seek for a better life in the county. The inbound income per capita for this county in 2010 was relatively lower than the outbound income per capita, a clear explanation why many people are migrating to other counties, compared to those coming into the Blue Earth County (Forbes, n.p.). Another possible explanation for this migration pattern is that; the standards of living could be better, while the costs of living could be lower in other states, compared to Minnesota, prompting more people to move to other states, than people from other states comes into the county. Migration patterns in Olmstead County (Rochester) in 2010 The migration patterns in Olmstead County indicate that there is a higher percentage of the counties that receives immigrants from this county, compared to those that Olmstead County receives (Forbes, n.p.). The other notable observation regarding the migration patterns in this county is that; it has the tendencies of sending its population to the States that are further away from Minnesota State. Additionally, a unique migration patter observable in Olmstead County is that it only receives more of immigrants from the counties and states that are nearby, than it sends. The inbound income per capita for this county in 2010 was relatively lower than the outbound income per capita, which serves to explain why many people are moving out of the county to other counties, compared to the ones the county is receiving (Forbes, n.p.). All indications point to the fact that the economic situation of many counties outside Minnesota State is better compared to that of Olmstead County, thus motivating many people to migrate from this cou nty to other counties and states, further away. The most plausible explanation for the migration pattern in the Olmstead County is that; the cost of living in this county is much higher than that of other counties outside

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chose any of the folowings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chose any of the folowings - Essay Example The end result would be the recruitment and selection of human resource in excessive of demand. Therefore, human resource planning would be important as this would avoid situations of retrenchment in later cases or inflating the wage bill hence low profitability. It is also essential to have a well co-ordinated human resource plan in order to match skills with jobs. Scheduling of jobs to match skills is one area of resource planning. This reduces wastages in that people are given jobs that they can best handle unlike in situations where people do tasks that they little comprehend leading to losses, through breakages, over - usage of materials. It also avoids wastages in terms of time saved. When people are assigned jobs matching their experiences and skills. Effective human resource planning also culminates in an arrangement of jobs such that as one job is completed another is started. This reduces incidences of employees waiting to do their jobs past the official working hours which are costly to the firm since they have to be paid overtime. Such an arrangement could also have led to an increase in labour turnover rate. Secondly, resource planning aids the organization in the effective management of its cash flows, both cash inflows and cash outflows. When resources are planned, the right quantity/ volume are used thus avoiding tying up money in material resources. It is important for any given firm to have a steady flow of cash so that it can effectively carry out its dividend and re - investment decision. It also reduces its financial risk i.e. of not being able to meet short - term maturing financial obligations as and when they fall due for payment. Third, resource planning gives the firm and opportunity to benefit from discounts and also avoid certain penalties. When enough resources are set aside to buy materials, these can be purchased in large quantity which in turn attracts trade discounts. If on the other hand, the firm depletes all its resources at the end of the financial year, possibilities of meeting its statutory obligations of paying taxes would be minimized. The consequence is that the firm would be heavily penalized for not paying taxes. Resource planning avoids shortages. Shortages may occur in terms of materials, manpower etc. In a manufacturing enterprise it is important to plan the material requirements to avoid stock- outs. Experiencing of stock - outs translates to insufficient finished goods for sale which may not meet demand. Thus planning is essential in respect to materials to meet even unusually high demands hence improved profitability. On the other hand, curbing shortages in terms of labour through planning is also essential in that there are enough men and women workers at any one given time. Determination of cash requirements Without proper resource planning, an enterprise cannot be able to determine when it would need cash requirements and the methodology to be used. Through cash budgets an enterprise would know when a cash deficit would occur. It would then design and put into contemplation that such a deficit

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The right to privacy for self and business Research Paper

The right to privacy for self and business - Research Paper Example The privacy rights are usually balance by the interests of the nation or state so that the regulations are consistent (especially in the promotion of safety of the public, as well as the improvement of the quality of life (Ribstein Para 4). The context and boundary of what is perceived private depend on individuals though common themes tend to be shared across the board. Suppose something or an issue is perceived private to an individual or a group then that issue or something is inherently sensitive or special to them. In the United States, privacy laws encompass numerous varieties of legal concepts. One of these concepts is the privacy invasion (Roger and Gaylord 103). A tort in reference to the common laws provide the platform for which the party that is aggrieved to file a lawsuit against a person or individuals who intrude affairs considered private by disclosure of information deemed private. In addition, it provides protection for individual’s private information and pu blic falsification. However, the public figures usually have less privacy. The laws pertaining, privacy rights advocates for individuals to be left alone. However, it exempts matter or issues that are deemed personal or those activities that tend to generate the interest of the public. An example is the case of celebrities. The invasion of privacy rights provides the ground for lawsuit against individuals or groups violating or infringing the right. Moreover, the fourth amendment stipulates the right to protection from search that is unwarranted while the first advocates for the assembly freedom. The Supreme Court is mandated with the responsibility of protecting privacy rights within the US. Various amendments to the constitution of the US have been employed in the numerous ranges of success in the determination of rights to autonomy of individuals. The first or initial amendment provides protection of privacy

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ipad Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ipad - Research Paper Example oles anchoring what should be viewed as a continuing process with product development, advertising, and promotional efforts providing the necessary fuel to keep the process in play† (Ailloni, 1998). The iPad is getting a lot of exposure, especially in terms of media product placements. The market in which Apple operates is very competitive. There are high entry barriers and a few established competitors offering similar services. Switching costs have been increasing, because many companies are using long-term contracts with harsh penalties against customers who try to switch products. However, this is still an industry in which competition fuels innovation and progress, and many consumers are looking for the â€Å"next big thing.† The iPad is basically a larger version of the iPhone with a more powerful processor, but without phone capabilities. The proposed report will go into more detail concerning the product review’s specificities, its features, and its pros and cons, when there is more textual space allotted to do so. As noted, the market in which Apple operates is very competitive. Currently, it faces stiff competition from Microsoft, Samsung, and other companies. The proposed report will look closely at 3 of Apple’s major competitors, focusing on specific products that are in the same category as the iPad. One objective is to make a link between the iPad and information retrieval, in marketing terms. â€Å"To the extent that the information is made public and transparent, it will make people better informed and able to make better choices. New economy organizations tend to be flat, decentralized, and open to employee initiative† (Kotler, et. al, 2002, p. 4). The establishment of new marketing principles that are not based on rigid Even with increases in communication and technology, Apple shows traditional views about marketing. As Ailloni (1998) states, â€Å"In spite of all the intellectual legerdemain involved in repackaging old terms in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Object Oriented Databases Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Object Oriented Databases - Research Paper Example This paper has discussed some of the major advantages and disadvantages of object oriented databases in comparison with relational database management systems. An object oriented database stores data and information in the form of objects. Actually, OODBMS stores objects instead of data, such as real numbers, strings and integers. These databases are believed to be very useful for businesses when they have huge data and high performance is required. There are a number of languages that support objects, for instance C++, Java and Smalltalk. In fact, these languages provide an excellent support for modeling, inheritance and creating objects of the data. In addition, OODBMS allow developers to extend the capabilities of the programming languages such as control the consistencies, easy data recovery and improved database features (Rouse 2005, Stajano 1998, Bagui 2003). Basically, OODBMS store data in the form of objects, which consist of attributes and methods. A method is used to graphically demonstrate the objects. Normally, unified modeling language (UML) is used to demonstrate these objects. In addition, data stored in a database have some characteristics, which are called attributes. For instance, a ball is an object and its attributes are its color and its shapes. Similarly, the operations or functions that an object performs on data are called methods. For instance, a doctor performs some actions to check their patients and these actions are known as method (WBT-Master Server Map 2014, Carlsson 2003, Atkinson, et al. 2003). â€Å"A relational database stores data in the form of a set of appropriately defined tables from which data could be reassembled or accessed in a lot of diverse means without reorganizing the database tables† (Stajano 1998). E. F. Codd invented the relational database at IBM in 1970. Additionally, a relational database is a collection of tables holding data fitted into properly arranged groups. Every table (that is sometimes acknowledged

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Essay There are number of situations that come to mind where critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. And major disaster could have been prevented from happening just by using the critical thinking process in decision making. According to Critical Thinking Community (2012), Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. † (Critical thinkingthe awakening of the intellect to the study of itself.). The best ( or the worst) example of the absence of critical thinking is the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez. It is very obvious that the personals involve in decision making process in this situation were not bothered using the critical thinking skills while making the business decisions. It can easily be proved by looking at the certain facts such as †¢ Necessary inspections of the ships, that could have indicated any existing problem in the ship, were not performed. †¢ Number of crew that was operating the ship was way below the number of crew required to perform those operations. The reason for that was probably to save money. †¢ Due to the small number of crew the work load was way too much for the people operating the ship That is probably the reason why the Captain was sleeping deck below and a untrained crew member was at the wheel asleep controlling the ship. †¢ Collision avoidance system which could have prevent the accident was not available on the ship. This horrible situation could have easily been prevented from happening if the authorized personals had used the critical thinking skills while making the decisions. If the crew members of the Exxon Valdez had adopted critical thinking, they could have prevented the accident from taking place. Similarly, if the procedures were followed and the equipments were issued and properly maintained with the appropriate crew size on board, the accident would never have taken place. According to The Nexus Of Politics, Culture And Genetics (2013), â€Å"Free Will is the ability to do what you want, and pursue your interests. In other words, Free Will is the ability to pursue the object of your passions, motivations, wants, interests, and desires.†(para.1.). In simple words free will is the ability to do what we want to do. For example if a person wants to go to a football game and he made a decision to go to the game. However many philosophers say this instinct is wrong. According to their view, free will is a figment of our imagination. No one has it or ever will. There is still a big argument about the existence of free will of it’s being an illusion. The thinkers are trying to get the answers of the following questions: are the choices we make predetermined?, or do we necessarily choose what we choose?, or was it really possible for us to have chosen otherwise?. (Do We Have Free Will, 2012). According to Plato’s Theory Of Knowledge (2013), â€Å"Knowledge is justified, true belief.† (Para. 1). Knowledge is a collective set of information and facts acquired through both education and experience. There is, however, not a single definition of knowledge that all agree upon totally. Whatever the case maybe, knowledge is the that helps us in building our thoughts. Knowledge helps in making rational decisions in critical thinking based upon our experience and what we take as truth Opinion is based on a belief or view. It is basically a personal belief that can be turned into facts if supported by proof. There are three major hindrances (obstacles) in Thinking Critically Stereotyping According to Simply Psychology (2012), A stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.† (para. 1). Stereotyping is categorizing the people, ideas or places based on some common elements or fixed notion. Resistance to Change Some people tend to reject new ways of doing/seeing things or new ideas. They are happy with the old routine life. This is called â€Å"Resistance to change.† Face Saving Face saving is something that prevents oneself from loss of dignity, self-esteem or prestige. It can occur when somebody has believed in a lie or an opinion and their ego prevent themselves from admitting it. There are few techniques to overcome the hindrances in critical thinking. Such as being objective in any situation, keep personal feelings and opinions separate, and gain all the information necessary to make a decision. In a world of advertising there is a message in everything hidden or obvious and sometimes even both. Perception is very important in advertising and marketing. How customers feels about a product and what kind of perception people have about it plays an important role in the success of that product. Marketers spent huge funds to create a good consumer’s perception of the product that is being advertised. Critical thinking plays an important role in decision making process. It can help to understand the pros and cons of any decision and can prevent from any misfortunate incidents. However in order to use the critical thinking effectively, it is important to overcome the three hindrances to the critical thinking process. References Critical Thinking Community. (2012). Retrieved from The nexus of politics, culture and genetics. (2013). Retrieved from Do We Have Free Will. (2012). Retrieved from Platos theory of knowledge. (2013). Retrieved from Simply Psychology. (2012). Retrieved from

The method to obtain my information Essay Example for Free

The method to obtain my information Essay The Aim of my study is to look into parents and childrens views on the eleven plus examination. I want to find out if the eleven plus has a negative effect on children which may effect them throughout their lives. I want to look at the effects of the elevn plus on a childs, self esteem, confidence, self perception and motivation to succeed. I am hoping for clear evidence from my questionnaires that will show a clear pattern, either that the examination is effecting children in these areas or not and also what groups of children it effects. My research question is what damage does the eleven plus examination have on children and should the examination be abolished? I have desided to use the questioonaire method to obtain my information. I feel that a questionnaire is the best method of research for this particular topic as I will need information from a large sample group and from different settings. A questionnaire is a quick and efficient method to obtain data however the response rate from a questionnaire may not always be high. I will be giving out double the number of questionnaires that I need to allow for people not completing the questionnaire properly, losing the questionnaire or not handing the completed questionnaire back in time. The particular issue that I have chosen is a very contriversal issue which is an advantage as parents in particular feel very strongly about the issue due to on going talks in education settings and in the media, this makes parents want to voice their opnions as it involves their childrens education and future. The eleven plus is a very talked about topic however it is an extremely sensitive issue that needs to be handled with care especially with young children. I went through various drafts of questionnaires before I had my final draft. I had to make sure that none of the questions would offend a child in any way or that a question would suggest that a child should feel a certain way. An example of a question that may upset a child would be. Do you feel that you are a failure because you failed the eleven plus?. This question could not be used, however I do want to get results from my questionnaire that may answer questions like that.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Development of Automatic Sunlight Tracking System

Development of Automatic Sunlight Tracking System Creations Automatic System of Tracking for Independent Concentrators of Sunlight J.Z.Akhadov1,*, A.A.Abdurahmanov1, M.S.Payzullaxanov1, A.A.Kuchkà Ã‚ °rov1, M.A.Mamatqosimov1, I.M.Saydumarov2, F.A.Giyasova2, T.S.Saidvaliev1 Abstract The new type of the solar gauge working by means of photo diodes SV-256 is developed. Thus accuracy of management of solar concentrators reception processes heated pair for development electricity and heat, and also hydrogen in a focal zone of concentrating systems completely provides. It was shown, that the system of tracking developed by us heliostat for trajectory the Sun has high accuracy. Linear changes of the center of a stain in dynamics makes only 2 mm that corresponds 30-80 angle to seconds. Such accuracy of tracking allows carrying out high-temperature researches in a focal zone of the concentrator. Keywords SolarPower Installation, Automatic System of Tracking, Solar Energy, the Solar Independent Combined Installation 1. Mirror Concentrating Systems One of problems of creation of concentrators of sunlight this maintenance of their orientation after visible movement of the Sun. Generally the problem of orientation of mirror concentrating systems (MCS) consists in maintenance of its such spatial position at which reflected from MCS beams constantly move on the receiver (see fig. 1). Figure 1. The Basic Scheme System of Tracking of Independent Solar Installations (The Sun- The Concentrator The Receiver) 1.1. Tracking Systems Till now are practically investigated accuracy of tracking MCS by means of optical gauges, including the size tolerance zones or a dead zone, together with accuracy the tracking’s provided with optical gauges, and also as a whole is investigated dynamics of change of corners of orientation MCS (including heliostat) within day and year, especially in the presence of overcast [1]. The problem consists that such solar gauges already grows old and not where in the world is not issued such gauges. Proceeding from it we developed new systems of tracking for solar installations with accuracy 1 angle/min. Such system of tracking copes very conveniently and easily. There are the following primary goals of orientation connected with two basic operating modes of system MCS the receiver. In the first scheme the receiver is established on MCS and moves together with it the mode of direct tracking and the second scheme the receiver is not connected with MCS and is usually motionless so-called heliostat operating mode MCS/1/. The literature analysis [2-3] shows, that generally for creation of control systems by orientation (tracking systems) both on the first and on the second following data are necessary for schemes: The equation of movement of object (in this case the equation of visible movement of the Sun); A range kinematic, dynamic, mechanical and accuracy characteristics of the rotary devices depending on their constructive scheme; Actually knowledge demanded accuracy and dynamic characteristics of control system MCS. Thus tracking systems can be divided on automatic and the programs the operated. The automated control system of tracking to classify to various signs: to destination, accuracy, a scope, an action principle etc. The basic problem consists that for individual using of independent solar installations is necessary simple system of tracking of the concentrator for the sun that not knowing what automatics and the computer any person operated system. For this purpose, the automated control systems of tracking of independent solar concentrators have developed the new scheme system of tracking by means of photo diodes SV-256 (fig. 2). Figure 2. Developed the Block of Management of Orientations MCS and Developed Solar the Gauge on the Basis of Photo Diodes SV-256 For maintenance specified above functions of management by orientation MCS should include following subsystems: the solar gauge, the executive mechanism providing turns MCS and including a reducer, a drive (electric motor); a control system including the block actually of management and the converter of signals, carrying out transformation and giving of signals on intensifying and executive mechanisms. 2. Solar Gauge The primary goal which the solar gauge as it has been specified above should carry out is binding MCS and its axes of rotation to local geographical to ordinates concerning which the law of movement of object of tracking (in our case of the Sun) can be usually certain. Developed by us the solar gauge consists of 4 photo diodes which is established one plate and divided into 4 blocks. 2.1. Solar Installations The developed automatic system of tracking of concentrators about accuracy 1 angle/min. also it is conducted tests in 1500 and 5000 W them solar installations. In further the developed system will be used in parabolic cylinder the concentrator the size 10ц¦10à Ã‚ ¼ (fig.3). Figure 3. A photo of the Developed Concentrator in diameter of 6 m The offered automated control system of tracking of independent solar concentrators with the new scheme of systems of tracking by means of photo diodes SV-256 has accuracy 30-80 angle. To seconds, tests are spent to 1,5 and 5 kW solar installations. 2.2. Models The solar power plant thermal capacity 1500 W consists from heliostatsand the sunlight concentrator. Heliostat directs solar beams on the concentrator in parallel in horizontal an axis. The parabolic concentrator reflects solar beams in focus. The tracking system is necessary for maintenance in focus of the concentrator of a stable power stream of a solar energy heliostat for the sun with high accuracy. Power light exposure of a focal zone of the concentrator it is possible allows to synthesize materials, and also to receive overheated steam for reception electric and thermal energy [4]. If the receiver has rather big thermal inertia its thermal mode will be close to stationary and development of energy or converter efficiency will be defined by an average for the period arrival of energy [5]. In a dynamic mode an average for the period Ï„ value of density of energy à Ã¢â‚¬ ¢efin a focal point A on an element of surface N, equally (1) where, à Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ÃŽ ² density of a direct solar stream. With certain degree of approach the average for the period in a dynamic mode can be considered a system condition as some static condition in aim position, but with the seeming, effective parameter of accuracy heft. In effect, almost in all cases of natural research of solar power plants their power parameters resulted frequently without references to accuracy of tracking and considered as objective (that is received at exact by adjust on a source), carry actually effective (dynamic) character. On fig. 4. a, b are shown experimental works a deviation of the center of a stain from a focal point Ain working conditions of system of tracking heliostat on a day trajectory of the Sun. As shows the analysis at such accuracy of tracking heliostat on the Sun trajectory, the deviation of the center of a stain from a focal point essentially does not change (fig. 5). a) b) Figure 4. Changes of a Stain in a Focal Zone 1,5 à Ã… ¡W the Solar Furnace. Figure 5. Dependence of an Angular Deviation of a Stain on a Corner of Disclosing of The Concentrator at Various Linear Deviations 3. Conclusions Experimental and settlement works have shown that the system of tracking developed by us heliostat for trajectory the Sun has high accuracy (figs 4 and 5). Linear changes of the center of a stain in dynamics makes only 2 mm that corresponds 30 80 angle to seconds. Such accuracy of tracking allows carrying out high-temperature researches in a focal zone of the concentrator.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Parents Play a Critical Role in Their Childrens Education :: Persuasive Essays, Argumentative Essays

Discussions continue about improving the U.S. public education system. One question which is frequently overlooked is: What is the role of parents in education? There are a variety of thoughtful and interesting conversations about everything from resource allocation, to the impact of race on educational achievement, to the most effective uses of technology, to redefining education to meet the needs of the 21st century – topical and relevant discussions that never seem to include parents. Parents aren’t completely ignored, but more often than not, the role they play isn’t a substantive part of the discussion. Their involvement becomes a less than critical part of any proposed solution. I believe we can make the argument that a significant part of the solution to the educational challenges we face requires meaningful parent involvement, not just lip service. In all fairness, however, meaningful parent involvement can be tough. Schools are faced with federal regulations that require it (Title I, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act); there is solid evidence that when parents are involved there is a strong, lasting connection to academic achievement, and particularly for children at high risk. Many of these children have parents who themselves were unsuccessful in school; for these children, parent engagement is a real challenge. For parents, it is generally easier when children are younger; content is easier, and schools (and children) seem a bit more welcoming to parents being involved. As children grow, however, the content becomes more difficult, schools and children are much less welcoming to parent involvement, and parents are left with just asking questions: â€Å"How was school today?† and/or â€Å"Did you do your homework?† Of course, all this doesn’t even consider the issue of parents working multiple jobs who struggle with finding time for involvement in their child’s education. More regulations and legal structures are not necessarily the answer either. There is a subset of children, those with disabilities, who have federal protections mandating significant parental involvement. Unfortunately, those regulations often create a contentious, rather than cooperative, relationship between parents and teachers and school administrators. When it comes to parental involvement, most people agree with the â€Å"why†; it’s the â€Å"how† that poses the challenge. The vast majority of parents want to be involved, but face significant barriers in doing so. The vast majority of schools welcome parent involvement, but with short parent meetings (for which both sides struggle to find time), it’s hard to know exactly what to do.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Complex Satan in John Miltons Paradise Lost :: Milton Paradise Lost Essays

Milton's Complex Satan in Paradise Lost Milton's Satan continues to fascinate critics largely because he is more complex than the Devil of the Christian tradition appears. Satan's rebelliousness, his seeking of transcendence, his capacity for action, particularly unconventional action, endeared him to certain types of minds, even if their viewpoint might be considered theologically misleading. Milton often follows the road of intellectual definition for his characters, of reasoning demonstration. This serves well his theological and intellectual cohesiveness. However, when his thought becomes more conceptual rather than metaphoric, it falls trap to its own special kind of static imprisonment. Most of the images in Paradise Lost, however, have a substantial life of their own; they are properties rather than metaphors. In the presentation of Satan, Milton is dealing with a special difficulty. He is not presenting a human intelligence, but an angelic one-a being the nature of which is almost impossible for the human mind to grasp. Milton simplifies the matter by making spiritual intelligences more highly refined versions of human intelligence. He is still left with one problem, that of introducing a flaws in this refined beings. Because of these refined intelligence, these creatures should incline solely to good. "So farwel Hope, and with Hope farwel Fear, Farwel Remorse: all Good to me is lost; Evil be thou my Good;" (IV, 109-111) In this intensely dramatic statement, Satan renounces everything that's good. His is not a lack of intelligence, or weakness of character, very simply an acceptance of evil. It almost justifies C. S. Lewis' observation. "What we see in Satan is the horrible co-existence of a subtle and incessant intellectual activity with an incapacity to understand anything." Although the statement "Evil be thou my Good," makes no sense on the surface, it has a symbolic meaning as an expression of Satan's will to reject the hierarchy of values set before him. In doing so he creates an illusory world that reflects his adopted values, which he accepts as reality. His reality is based on hatred. His hatred makes him psychologically dependant on that he hates, thus making it all the greater. Throughout the epic Milton dramatizes this dependence among the devils- even the hatred that gives them their energy is based on that reality which

Role of UNICEF and the International Labour Organization in the Working

Introduction This paper deals with the role of transnational actors like UNICEF and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the working children’s movement. It examines the role of development communication in empowering working children, and its impact on the movement. The paper begins with a brief introduction to development, linking it with issues concerning working children. It then goes into a brief overview of UNICEF and the ILO, and talks about the role of each in the international working children’s movement. It evaluates one program executed by each of the organizations in dealing with a development situation, in terms of intent and purpose, policies and procedures, obstacles faced, and the outcome of each effort. I then present my critique of strategies followed by both actors and my conclusion from this comparative analysis regarding the effectiveness of each actor. As this is a topic that has been of concern to me for a while, this analysis might appear to be a bit subjective to the reader, but I have tried to bear in mind objectivity, and did extensive research on both organizations to make sure that I was looking at a wide enough body of work. The research consists mainly of information I found on both websites as well as a few books and journal articles. It also comes from the first hand experience of a non-profit organization that works with issues concerning working children, who have worked closely with the ILO and the United Nations. A transnational actor can be defined as a person, business or organization that operates across borders and has some impact on world societies and environments. It became apparent to me as I was doing my research that transnational actors often have admirable... ...tion to make sure the projects are meeting their goals. There needs to be constant monitoring of each new venture undertaken. Detailed evaluations of current projects and research for new strategies in place of older unsuccessful ones are essential, to make plans better cater to the needs of the children. Lastly I think there needs to be increased government and non-profit participation, and involvement of the children, to bring about the best kind of development. From a development communication standpoint, I think the ILO manages to utilize the most optimum model to bring about progress and change the status quo, wehreas this is largely lacking in UNICEF’s approach. BIBLIOGRAPHY Moemeka, Andrew. Development Communication in Action. University Press of America, 2000.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Theory of knowledge

What are the methods of the historians and how do they compare with other methodologies: First of all, we have to know what is the definition of history: It is a branch of knowledge dealing with past events, political, social, economic, of a country, continent, or the world. It is an orderly description of past events. It is also a train of events connected with a person or thing. Secondly I will define what is a method. It is 1) a system, orderliness, 2) it is a way of doing something 3) doing things with 4) it is a science or study of something. The differences between the facts of the past and historical facts: We all know, or think we know, what a fact is: a reliable piece of information, something we know to be, in the common sense meaning of the word â€Å"true†. We also know, or think we know, what an historical fact is. Give examples. These are facts, definite pieces of historical knowledge, close perhaps to the natural scientific knowledge the nineteenth century historians wanted to use as their model of knowledge. But these facts are only the start of history, only the foundation on which history is built. History is not the facts of the past alone but the processing of these facts into a coherent, meaningful interpretation of the past with which these facts are concerned. â€Å"History is the interpretation of these facts, the processing of them into a narrative with causes and effects.† These facts, these pieces of information about the past are important to historians. Historians must be certain of their accuracy, must have confidence in their integrity before they can confidently interpret them for their contemporaries. Historians collect their facts from whenever they can. Certain historical facts, mostly those obtained from archives, may be collected directly by historians themselves. Historians can visit public records offices or churches and examine historical documents directly. Epigraphy is an interesting example of such a discipline. It is the study of ancient inscriptions: letters and words and symbols, chiselled, moulded or embossed on stones. E.g.: the Rosetta stone: it is an inscribed stone found near Rosetta in northern Egypt in 1799. History is a selection: Historians make history by selecting facts and processing them and it is the processing that creates history. History has been described as an enormous jig saw with lots of bits missing. Historians try to create the missing pieces. They can only do this by selecting from all the information available to them. What evidence we have for this comes, of course, from the people in the middle Ages who wrote about their own lives and times. And the people who wrote about their own lives and times in the middle Ages in Europe were monks and priests. Imaginative understanding is an important part of an historian's skill, but imaginative understanding varies from historian to historian. They have to imaginatively understand the minds of the older people. The only way they can do this is by using their own thought processes. Historians recognize that to portray history is impossible. They cannot really be sure of the motives of the writers of the archive documents. â€Å"The past can only be seen through the eyes of the present†. Historian should present their records of the past. Ranke and his fellow nineteenth century historians believed that not only was it possible to present the past â€Å"How it really was† but they also believed they were doing exactly that when they wrote their history books. The historian's job was to collect together a proven body of facts and present them to the readers. Is history a unique area of knowledge? We have seen that natural sciences, mathematics and logic, and the social sciences have distinctive areas of knowledge. Can a similar claim be made for history? YES of course it can be made!!!!. One way of answering this question is to look at the work of historians. As we do this, we should ask ourselves the question † What do historians do that scientists, mathematicians and social scientists do not do?†!!!!!. Four different stages exists: 1) Recording: Some scholars collect records and preserve evidence from the past. If we stick to our definition of historians as interpreters of facts these scholars are not historians in our sense of the word. They are archivists and curators, collectors and preservers. E.G: Nothing is moved until photographs are taken, measurements made and meticulous records compiled of everything that is there and exactly where it is. That is the work of the historical researchers who record and preserve evidence from the past. Every objects is recorded and, as far as possible identified. The historical knowledge these Historians have is no different from the knowledge of natural science: it is empirical and of course objective. Give example of the titanic. 2) Assessment: These historians asses the evidence they have, compare it to other similar evidences that might be available and come to the conclusion that Holden's room are indeed a unique historical event. 3) Reconstructing the past: Having assessed the evidence and accepted its importance, historians now have to use it, to infer from it and to reconstruct the past. They use evidences. Historians also are interested in reconstructing beyond the obvious. They attempt to reconstruct the values of a wealthy youth 100 years ago. 4) Interpreting: Historians ask themselves questions. They might compare the artefacts with other atifacts for instance†¦ Historians' ways of knowing are distinct. They record, assess, reconstruct and interpret in a way that others scholars do not. Historians continually reinterpret the events of the past and reappraise them for each new generation. Historical sources: Primary and secondary sources: The problem with the past is that it has passed. It has gone. The idea of all time past, and present, running parallel is intriguing but until we have the technology to explore other times in reality, we have to explore the past through what the past has left us, through the multitude of artefacts surviving from times past. Historians use what they term PRIMARY SOURCES as their main access to the past. Secondary sources are also available: these are sources of information provided by other historians. Primary sources are the bedrock of history. They include every conceivable type of documents: maps, treaties, churches and temple records, imperial archive documents, letters, legal records, diaries, newspapers, catalogues and even bus tickets. They can be formal or informal, private or public, serious or frivolous. Primary sources also include artefacts. Unlike science, say, history is often criticized for serving no purpose. We are unable to learn from history, it is argued, either because precisely the same circumstances as in the past cannot arise again in future, or because if sufficiently similar circumstances did arise, we would not be able to act differently. In the natural sciences we have both statements of immediate observations, reporting for instance the outcome of an experiment, and general laws from which we can derive predictions. These two kinds of statements are justified in quite different ways: observational statements by perception. The evidence, not necessarily written, which historical research is based on are the ‘sources'. Sources need not be items that go back to the time in history which is being studied, but can be texts written since then about that time: the former are called primary, and the latter secondary sources. There are two main questions that must be asked regarding primary sources. The first of these concerns their authenticity, or genuineness. Suppose that we have, for instance, a painting of a particular historical event; then the painter may have added or omitted certain details to please his customer, or to make it a better painting, he may not have been there himself and have used incomplete accounts, the painting could even be a later forgery, and so on. The other question concerns their completeness. We must bear in mind that the material available to us has already been systematically selected, in a variety of ways: we tend to know more about the upper classes of the societies we study, because it is largely their doings that were recorded, while we find many ruins in some parts of the world, little remains of the wooden structures that were more common elsewhere, and so on. On one side there are those who hold that historical explanation must be like the scientific explanation of an event: to understand an historical event, we must have a general, or ‘covering' law, so that from this law and a description of the historical situation we can deduce that the event would happen. For even where history is capable of being objective, there are problems with the ‘evidence' it is based on, as we have seen: the sources available may not be authentic, and they will certainly be incomplete. And to the extent that history is (necessarily) subjective, i.e. a matter of the position from which it is written, historical accounts or explanations are liable to the problem of bias, i.e. partiality, tendentiousness or even prejudice. The historian cannot be objective about the period, which is his subject. In this he differs (to his intellectual advantage) from its most typical ideologists, who believed that the progress of technology, ‘positive science' and society made it possible to view their present with the unanswerable impartiality of the natural scientist, whose methods they believed themselves (mistakenly) to understand. For much of the time that history has been written, the work of the historian was not thought to be particularly problematic — as long as he had the right intentions, he would just try to discover the truth, and †tell how it really was.† The first law for the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth. The second is that he shall suppress nothing that is true. Moreover, there shall be no suspicion of partiality in his writing, or of malice. History, then, is not, as it has so often been misdescribed, a story of successive events or an account of change. Unlike the natural scientist, the historian is not concerned with events as such at all. He is only concerned with those events, which are the outward expression of thoughts. †¦ Theory of Knowledge Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher and a mathematician who is generally recognized as one of the founders of analytic philosophy. He, like many other people was searching for proof and evidence of us- people being rational animals, whose thoughts and actions are reasonable and sensible. Reason is a way of knowing in which we build up explanations by refining independent ideas and theories in order to reach a logical conclusion or in other words we use reason to decide whether something is correct or wrong. Through observations and experiments we can prove by reason if our hypothesis was right, and by this broaden our knowledge horizons. Reason is present as much as in everyday choice making, as it is present in science, mathematics and other areas of knowledge. However reason is not always the most useful way of knowledge, for example in music and arts, as we are not robots and we also rely on our emotions and perception. So how can we gain truth by reason, when there are so many different opinions and emotions involved? Reason can help us gain knowledge, but only to a certain extent and therefore it has its strengths and weaknesses, which I am going to discuss in my essay. In science logic and reason are said to be the core element to get a valid conclusion, but there are some contradictions and exceptions to this general judgment. For example in biology, we use reason and logic to make a hypothesis, and then through several experiments or observations, we can obtain a valid and logical conclusion, which will support our hypothesis. As an example, a biology class, had to run an experiment to find out the presence of glucose and starch in two different food solutions. In two test tubes A and B, two different food solutions, which are unknown to the students, are found. The class divided into four different groups and each group had to add chemicals such as iodine for starch and benedicts solution for glucose to find out, in which test tube was each solution. If starch was present the solution had to turn from blue to black, and for glucose it had to change from blue to orange. Group 1, was successful and their one solution turned to black, proving that it has starch in it and the other turned orange demonstrating that it has glucose. Group 2 however, had a negative outcome, as both of their solutions did not change color, therefore showing that it has none of the solutions present. One of the solutions of group 3 turned green, instead of orange, therefore contradicting the hypothesis and the whole theory. By this example we see that logic and reason, has its own uncertainties and doubts. Reason can sometimes obscure our knowledge if we see something, which contradicts our initial theory. This logic is quite similar to perception, as we need to use our five senses- see, hear, touch, taste and smell to acquire a rational verdict. In music and art, I think that reason as a way of knowing has both advantages and disadvantages. We cannot express our opinion on a piece of music or a piece of art without bringing up emotion and perception. A composer cannot write music without any feelings, same as an artist cannot paint without inspiration through his senses. A piece of music however requires some basic reason. For example if a composer needs to write a concerto for a violin, he will not write a concerto for a piano, and no other instrument than a violin can replace it. This is very basic reason, but we can see that it is present in creative arts. I am an IB Art student and I know that reason has little to do with it. Making art is based mostly on emotion and on the way we feel or what we think at a certain moment. Art comes from the heart, and reason is only present when we need to know which two colors for example make purple or what do we need to do to make a canvas. Add reason Another demonstration of advantages and disadvantages of reason is present the case of superstitions. In many cultures superstitions make up a lot of beliefs that are carried throughout generations. For example it is said that it is bad luck to go forward of a black cat has passed your way. Even though I have never heard anyone claim that he or she has bad luck because of a cat passing his or her way, I would still rather prefer to avoid it, as I was brought up with this and I actually started to believe in it. Even though there is no scientific prove of this superstition and common logic experience says that this is not true, most people would still avoid it. Therefore reason can be very objective, in a way that it can differ from different cultures and dissimilar beliefs. Mathematics is the one area where reason plays a fundamental part. Reason is the basis on which mathematics is founded. Before any mathematical theorem can be taken as true, it must be backed by a reasonable mathematical proof that shows, that the answer got is correct. This type of empirical, reasonable verification shows that of all the areas of knowledge, mathematics uses reason the most. In mathematics, an answer is either wrong or right. There is no midpoint in mathematics. Without reason, all mathematical arguments would naturally fail, and so if a mathematical statement cannot be fortified with reason, the statement should be rejected. Mathematics is the only area of knowledge where every statement must be backed up by reason. Reason itself is not enough to explain such things as the origins of the universe, or right and wrong, and so reason can and should be complemented by other sources of knowledge. Reason can be used when the sense misinformed us. For example when you put a straw in water senses tell us that the straw is bent, because it looks like it, but through reason we deduce that the straw is straight. Therefore reason is more reliable than our senses and is used more effectively. For the conclusion, I should discuss whether in the end our knowledge can be obtained purely by logic and reason, or it needs the support of human emotion and perception to give us reasonable comprehension of our existence. â€Å"Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason,†- this is a quote by Oscar Wilde. I agree with him as I think that emotions and feelings often overtake reason, as we are more driven by our desires, fears and passion than logic and rationality. I think that pure reason cannot exist without other ways of knowledge, and has its strengths and weaknesses. Reason is valid when it is not contradicted by anyone, but can we call something rational knowledge when someone disputes it? Reason within its domain is very reliable, as for example in mathematics, you can be almost one hundred percent certain that something is true, and this is the main strength of reason. I think that in all the other areas of knowledge, reason has many weaknesses. Reason always needs input from another source and therefore can only be reliable as its source of data. In the arts, in the absence of inspiration, no great work can be done, however reason is present in the mixing of colors and proportion and so on. Science without any data has no use of reason, and is therefore unreliable. My conclusion to this essay is that reason always needs input from another source and therefore can only be reliable as its source of data. Theory of Knowledge How do we acquire our knowledge? Don’t we acquire our knowledge through our senses? We know something is round because we have seen it and we have touched it. A blind person can distinguish a sphere from a cube, because of the sense of touch. But can a blind person really know what the difference between green and purple are? Maybe, but it might be a hard one to explain because you cannot really explain what light and dark is if a blind person has not really seen these differences. The eyes might not be the true organ of sight but in my opinion it is one of the necessary things needed to acquire knowledge. But what is sight? What is knowledge? According to the Oxford Dictionary sight is defined as the faculty or power of seeing, and knowledge is information and skills acquired through experience or education. The definition of sight from the Oxford Dictionary did not connect it with the word knowledge for knowledge helps us to describe the object that we are seeing. For example, if we look at an object with our eyes without any knowledge of what is being perceived, the object that we are seeing will be just an unknown object to us. The object being perceived does not contain that much meaning to it for the lack of knowledge. So is knowledge really the true organ of sight? It is to some extent for we cannot fully comprehend what we see if we did not have the previous knowledge to describe what we see and without seeing I think it makes it a little bit harder to acquire enough knowledge to fully describe what is around us. Can knowledge be only achieved by seeing? How do blind people acquire their knowledge without their eyes? I think they gain knowledge by experience, touching and hearing. They learn things differently than people who can see because they probably create their own images of what we see. It is through knowledge of what they have experienced that they â€Å"see† what is put infront of them. For us who can see and have been seeing in our life time gain knowledge from what we see and what we have experienced. All these contribute to us gaining knowledge of the world. Perception, defined as the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind. This plays a vital role in some subjects rather than others because some just require more understanding than the rest. It is important to understand what you learn before practicing. In short, our senses do give us to a certain extent knowledge and this works together with the sense of perception. Theory of Knowledge How do we acquire our knowledge? Don’t we acquire our knowledge through our senses? We know something is round because we have seen it and we have touched it. A blind person can distinguish a sphere from a cube, because of the sense of touch. But can a blind person really know what the difference between green and purple are? Maybe, but it might be a hard one to explain because you cannot really explain what light and dark is if a blind person has not really seen these differences. The eyes might not be the true organ of sight but in my opinion it is one of the necessary things needed to acquire knowledge. But what is sight? What is knowledge? According to the Oxford Dictionary sight is defined as the faculty or power of seeing, and knowledge is information and skills acquired through experience or education. The definition of sight from the Oxford Dictionary did not connect it with the word knowledge for knowledge helps us to describe the object that we are seeing. For example, if we look at an object with our eyes without any knowledge of what is being perceived, the object that we are seeing will be just an unknown object to us. The object being perceived does not contain that much meaning to it for the lack of knowledge. So is knowledge really the true organ of sight? It is to some extent for we cannot fully comprehend what we see if we did not have the previous knowledge to describe what we see and without seeing I think it makes it a little bit harder to acquire enough knowledge to fully describe what is around us. Can knowledge be only achieved by seeing? How do blind people acquire their knowledge without their eyes? I think they gain knowledge by experience, touching and hearing. They learn things differently than people who can see because they probably create their own images of what we see. It is through knowledge of what they have experienced that they â€Å"see† what is put infront of them. For us who can see and have been seeing in our life time gain knowledge from what we see and what we have experienced. All these contribute to us gaining knowledge of the world. Perception, defined as the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind. This plays a vital role in some subjects rather than others because some just require more understanding than the rest. It is important to understand what you learn before practicing. In short, our senses do give us to a certain extent knowledge and this works together with the sense of perception.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Discipline – Necessary or Not

Disciplining a child entails directing and didactics him or her right(a) behaviors and acceptable morality. utile disciplining is all most training a child to act responsibly and perform self control. Discipline is about reward and punishing accordingly. It is necessary to discipline children so as to be able to adopt them through the loops and turns of life. This discipline should that be within the acceptable parameters (Coloroso, Barbara, 19). Disciplining children has a proceeds of benefits to kids.Through disciplining, children ar taught on the impound morals that al starting time enable them interact rise up with the rest of the gild. Studies have shown that the kind of the education a child receives from home has a bearing on the type of characters that unitary exhibits in the society and in afterwards life. Though mischievous behaviors in kids argon non necessarily out of bad parenting, the kind of discipline that one receives entrust determine to a great extent personal interactions with the rest of the society (Van Zeijl, Jantien Mesman, 628). Disciplining children is consequential if a child is to achieve pose objectives in life.Children have to be taught a lot of things in life and this cannot be achieved without proper discipline. Aristotle once said that the point of an individual immediately after return is like a tabula rasa, clean slate. The beware accordingly is filled with knowledge as the child grows. Disciplining a child then makes him aware of what is good and what is inappropriate. It directs him t the reform path arming him with useful knowledge. It helps them to apprize how to chase the rules get dressed in the society and by the government. Within the society, people knead under certain framework of set rules.A child who is disciplined and taught how to obey rules will enjoy useful interactions with the rest of the society. It is distinguished that a child be taught how to obey laws and authority. Disc iplining a child though does not always turn out intimately especially if the inappropriate tactics are applied. Parents are in a dilemma over the best strategy to conflagrate and discipline their kids. Some parents scold and flog their children while others just talk to them in the hope that they will change (Williams, Joseph E, 26). count has always ranged over the benefits of spanking kids as a form of punishment.This however has been shew to be more of retrogressive to a childs development. Children whitethorn shoemakers last up suitable too diffident and submissive (Galivan, Janice, 38). Disciplining children may result to them becoming retroactive than proactive. Disciplining is times a supple fix to problems. Children will tend to tolerate well in the presence of their parents still get out of control when such(prenominal) a cocoon is broken Disciplining kids may also result to a low esteem. It may create a effect of inadequacy especially in use important respo nsibilities as such kids may be used to supervision.This mostly affects kids brought up in highly authoritative environments (Leung, Debbie W. Slep, Amy M,. 525). Disciplining children however is necessary if children are to develop well. Kids expect a guide to direct them towards the proper paths in life. They need to be taught about the societal expectations, good morals and the appropriate attitudes in life. They have to be shown the boundaries in life, acceptable manners and the expected responsibilities. This cannot completely be done through observation, it requires firmness.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Adapting to Change

Adapting to Change

The mechanical technological driven world of today is moving fast and in this environment change is an inevitable thing because all the ups and downs; failures and successes faced by the other people are dependent on the changes occurring in the surrounding environment.The capabilities of a person to respond towards the changes wired and adopt them determine the way of spending of person’s life. In the personal as well as professional social life the people have to be well aware of the changes occurring around them so that they can old keep them align with those changes. Most of the changes occurring in the surrounding world are led by the technological advancements.Implementing change is rather difficult.The dissertation is based on a qualitative research study that is conducted through secondary analysis of data and a case study.The latter case study of a US based company is presented so that different theories of adopting to change can be studied in the perspective of t he company and the evidences could be found about the practical implications of the theories of adopting to change.1.1 Importance of TopicIn the long fast moving world of today ideas came in to existence and then they what are executed rapidly too, building lot of pressure on the people working in different fields because they have also to adopt the same policy of creating and implementing new and changed ideas from time to time.Recognizing change may be battle.

1.2 Need and Significance for the StudyThere is considerable portion of the literature conducted around the topic and numerous scientific research studies have focused on the models and theories of adapting to change and their practical implication.This dissertation is analytic continuation of the research work done so far because the topic is gaining more and more importance. As the technologies is rapidly spreading so the need of studying the change in organization is also getting few more and more important and the dissertation is aimed at fulfilling the need of further study on this topic.Change is inevitable and its constant.Literature Review2.1. Adopting to change – Historical PerspectiveAdopting to change in an organization is not a new phenomenon but it has deep roots inside the history. Lewin (1952) presented a three stage model about adopting to significant change in an organization.Everyone has obviously noticed the change in the markets.

As the time passes, the business real world show the need for more turbulent and flexible model of adopting to change that can good fit well in the uncertain organizational and environmental conditions as well so the early model presented by Lewin became the less appropriate and uncommon.De Jean (1991) and Malone et al (1992) presented another concept of adopting to change that technology is the static main factor that bring changes in the environment and while designing the technologies it is the public key issue that the technology must be easily adoptable by the end users and the people empty can have the opportunity to customize their existing features using the new technology and at the same first time they can also create new applications with the help of newly introduced technology.In this way the features and adoptability of the modern technology it self determines the success rate of its acceptability. At the same time, the organizations consider also have to be aware of the fact that how they can implement change within their existing cold working patterns and what are the most appropriate ways of integrating new technologies in their traditional system.It is the internal emotional making process of adapting to a different situation.2.2. Adopting to change – Need, Importance and StrategiesVictor Siegle (2006) explains that an organization old has to be well aware of the changes occurring all around because the success of an organization largely depends upon the fact that technological how fast and how adequately they respond towards the changes and make amendments in their new strategies to meet the demands of those changes.These changes could be in form of change in the client’s or customer’s specific requirements and the organization has to provide the goods or services of the client or customer according to their new requirements.Know how you react to pressure in your very own way that is distinctive! Over-training or spi nal injury outcomes if stress may not be tolerated.

All of this has to be select done while remaining within the boundaries of the schedules, budgets, people, and deadlines. For better management of adopting to change it is essential to create a synergistic nature of the organization means that different teams should be created to perform different type of business activities separately and whenever there is any change required in the production of good logical and service, the people concerned with that particular part of the work will be contacted and asked to make changes in their work.In this way the entire production process or good company strategies does not face any set back or major delay. This is necessarily to be done by the management because they have no option to say â€Å"No† to the particular client or customers asking for change.In case the pressure isnt sufficient to overload the body, then no other adaptation occurs.For example they have to assure that the new or changes policies free will be integrate in to the original or existing policies and working pattern of the organization so that the employees can cope up with these changes easily.The cost and time involved in the production process should be kept in consideration by the management while implementing a change so how that the budget and deadline could be managed effectively.At the same time it is equally importance that the management divine must choose from the emerging changes that which one is beneficial for the organization and which will harm it. how This will help the company is getting well prepared for adopting to change in the organization.Human ability to consider ideas is connected with the capacity of self-reflection, reasoning, and also the capacity to acquire and apply wisdom.

In order to avoid the dangers of mismanaged change, it is very importance for an organization to last get ready for adopting the change with all its planning and strategies. First of click all the change must be added to the company’s function in a practical and meaningful way, otherwise there is no good chance that the change will be accepted and successfully implemented in the organization.Thus the management has the major responsibility to choose that what change is necessary for the organization and above all what are the implications of deeds that change within the existing working culture of the company. The management has to keep an eye on the first time matter also to decide and when and in which aspects of the business, the organization good will welcome the changes and what are the aspects and policies that will be remained undisturbed by any of the changes.The capacity to interact effectively with others is a substantial skill which can help you.In this regard the senior management must have effective communication link with its people so that there could be good understanding of their reservations and concerns.2.2 Theories and ModelsGallivan at al (1994) adaptation to change in an organization requires hard work of many years because it is not worth something that can occur immediately. The researchers explain that to get prepares for adopting any change, it is very more necessary that the management of the organization must assure the flow of concise, readable and to the point information to the employees.Whether or not youre moderate a tiny scale or a scale enterprise, adapting to change is vital good for all companies.

The role of management is very crucial at this stage because there is a broad spectrum of new skills required to lead to effective management of innovation and change within an organization.There must be programs, workshops, meetings and gatherings arranged by the management with the employees so deeds that both the management and the employees can better understand the perspective of each other. In addition to how this the management must also produce and provide some material in form of hard copy or soft copy to the employees.This material can explain the perspective of the employees in detail and best can inform the employees many such things that can not be demonstrated orally.Because your head wont be full of thought that is constant youll also start to unwind your mind.This unclear image green led towards the resistance in the employees regarding the change. Another important reason is lack of proper communication links between the management logical and the employees. Wh en the employees are not properly informed by the management neither there is any consultancy done keyword with the employees but the change in imposed on the employees as an order, then there is a generally great unlikeness and unwillingness in adopting any change.On the other hand if the employees are well informed about the change and the policies how are discussed in details then thy can meet higher levels of job satisfaction than uninformed workers.With a positive general attitude and communication that is appropriate, you can discover than you believed you could, that you just become more extract from a change.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Automated Voting System

This chapter hold forth nigh the The learner Council picks shed invariably been a interminable application for both schooling. It is an practise wherein to individu totallyy one educatee is essential to drive from a peg down of quite a littledidates who exit arrange each state of affairs in the school-age child Council. In point for the pupil to accomplish this, the bookman mustiness(prenominal) go with and through some(prenominal) processes. maiden the learner must go to the authorities attitude if he is a registered voter, consequently goes to the voter turnout plain and chooses the candidates he likes. aft(prenominal) that, the savant submits the filled-up suffrage habitus to the choose executive in rule for his votes to be cast. accordingly the learner is marked with an unerasable ink to suggest that he has already voted. later on all the votes obligate been cast, the select act goes once again through some(prenominal)(prenominal) processes. The votes be quiet and ar indeed counted, which could admit several(prenominal) hours to several days, depending on the chroma of votes. desktop of the contract The chapter converse computers greatly aro usage the run and qualification of take process.Results could be achieve dismantle slump later on the elections trim the clock to a unsullied split comp atomic number 18d to the succession it takes if the suffrage is actualise manual of armsly. It also increases the direct of the voter turnout lie with because of multimedia organisation enhancements. The pitch generation, deal became more than literate person oddly with the use of computers. Technologies emerged to slip in more divers(prenominal) ways of advancement. calculator machines argon of these. Computers instanter in creative activity ar the nigh reigning machines than can do anything mints lives.It is in this pith that the pleader has clear-cut to appoint a dust to emend the alert manual choose system. The power aims to metamorphose the real manual system into an alter ballot system. cultivation engine room Elections be held in either school division for the BSIT students of Arellano University-Pasig. Where the positions be President, Vice- Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, P. I. O, and offshoot stratum to fourthly form Representative. victimization computers would make the election faster. With the red-hot system, votes are tallied and transmittable electronically.